Meet the top players from the Gaming Industry.

19-21 JANUARY 2026
Our Sectors
Casino & Games
As the home of the international industry, ICE sits at the top table of casino gaming with some exhibitors insisting that London now eclipses Las Vegas.
Esports is the gaming industry’s hottest new growth vertical with many major operators and suppliers, considering M&A deals to support their ambitions of entering this exciting world.
The gaming industry faces constant change, not only due to ever-changing regulations, but also from the evolution of mobile and online gaming services.
Regulation Technology
In a highly regulated sector, making sure you have the right regtech partners is more crucial than ever.
Inject some showbiz into your ICE 2024 experience by exploring how bingo’s community-led approach creates brings together social and real-money gaming.
Lottery is emerging as a major growth vertical for gaming as operators move away from state control - here’s how ICE 2024 helps you take advantage.
iGaming is the fastest moving sector in gaming and ICE 2024 is only place to engage with a global audience of suppliers, operators and regulators.