Fira Barcelona Gran Via
20-22 JANUARY 2025
ICE VOX 2024 Content on Demand
The Changing Role of Gambling Compliance: How to Connect Ethics with Business Value?
Operationalising compliance is a term that often gets thrown around in compliance conversations but is widely misunderstood. What exactly does it mean to operationalise compliance? Abandoning the antiquated notion that compliance is an obstacle to performance, this session will provide practical advice on how gaming operators can overcome complex challenges in implementing compliance strategy beyond their core department. Panellists will also address the role compliance programmes play on ESG, building culture and addressing risks beyond regulatory reporting, exploring how they can engage colleagues in finance, technology, operations, and beyond.
• How do we ensure compliance officers understand the greater business?
• How do you add compliance controls in other parts of the business?
• What technology and product solutions can help operationalise your program? • How do you get buy-in around compliance and fundamentally influence company culture?