Location and dates

Fira Barcelona Gran Via

20-22 JANUARY 2025

Stand Design Guide and Regulations

Stand Design Guide and Regulations

The following information is show-specific regulations which apply to all space only stands exhibiting at ICE to ensure safety and accessibility. In addition to the below, all stands should be designed and built in line with the G-Guide, Venue Regulations, and the Spanish Technical Building Code (CTE). The ownness is on the Exhibitor and their appointed Stand Contractor to familiarise themselves with the relevant documentation.


Appointed Responsible Person(s)

Non-Complex Stands

It is a requirement of ICE that each non-complex space only Exhibitor declare their overall Project Manager, complete with contact details, for the build and breakdown of their stand. This is done via the Health and Safety declaration form. The Project Manager must be always contactable throughout the build and breakdown periods.

Complex Stands

It is compulsory that each complex space only stand declare a competent person who is responsible for overall safety during the build and breakdown of their stand. These individuals will be deemed ‘Safety Officers’ and will be responsible for ensuring safe working practices are being adhered to. It is a further requirement that your assigned Safety Officer is onsite and contactable at your stand location for the duration of the build and breakdown of your stand. In the event the Organiser or their appointed Health & Safety and Floor Management teams needs to liaise with your Safety Officer onsite and they are absent, all work will be stopped until their return. Repeated incidences of absence can lead to your entire stand crew being dismissed from site. Your stand Safety Officer will be required to speak English.

Exhibitors will need to declare the name and contact details of their stand’s Safety Officer via the Health and Safety Declaration form.

On the day your stand construction commences it is compulsory for your appointed stand Safety Officer to report to the appropriate Health and Safety Office to ‘check-in’ where they will be issued with a high-visibility vest that must be worn to make them easily identifiable to the Organiser and their Health & Safety/Floor Management officials.


Barriers (Ballustrades)

Barriers shall be provided to protect exposed edges of staircases, landings, balconies, galleries, and other changes of level. They shall:

  • Ballustrades must be non-climbable, i.e., with solid infills or vertical guard rails a maximum of 100mm apart.

  • Balustrades used to protect landings and falls from height must have a minimum height of 110cm.

  • Balustrade loadings must have a loading capacity of 1.6kN per m².


Enclosed roof structures are allowed to be built provided that the specifications of the construction, decorative or furniture materials, established in these regulations, are met.

  • Since the ceilings can be seen from higher floors, their finish should always be aesthetically pleasing. Branded ceilings are considered an additional sponsorship opportunity and must therefore be booked with the Organisers. The fee incurred by the additional sponsorship opportunity is for the advertising rights only. You are responsible for the production of the rigged item and placing your rigging order by the specified deadline.
  • When covering the stand with a ceiling, it is recommended that this ceiling is permeable so that the general temperature control of the hall reaches the space of the stand.
  • Ceilings made from textile must have a smoke detector. Textile ceilings are to be one layer only and stretched horizontally.
  • Ceilings made from wire mesh are accepted without a smoke detector if they are fire resistant M0, M1 or M2 (Euroclass A, B or C) and have a minimum opening of 2mm x 4mm or 3mm x 3mm.
  • Ceilings made with a metal grid are accepted without a smoke detector, if they are fire resistant M0, M1 or M2 (Euroclass A, B or C) and have a minimum opening of 10mm x 10mm.
  • Stands with closed ceilings, textile or solid, up to 6m high that do not allow smoke to escape, must have smoke detectors and a CE-certified fire alarm system installed.
  • The certificates must comply with the prescriptions of the CTE, DB SI-1, table 4.1, Euroclasses, DIN 4102-B1 or their equivalent standards.
  • Relevant certificates must be available for presentation upon request.
  • A minimum of one smoke detector is required for every 60m2 of closed ceiling, it means that a closed ceiling of 100m2 requires a minimum of two smoke detectors.
  • In narrow corridors and covered spaces less than 3 m wide, the minimum distance between detectors must be 15m.
  • For stands with less than 100m2 of enclosed space, independent and autonomous smoke detectors with integrated alarms are accepted if they are certified by the CE standard and comply with the following points:
    • Stands smaller than 100m2, ground floor only
    • The length and width dimensions are less than 10m.


Constructions Materials 

  • All materials used in the construction of stands, features and displays, including signs and fascia’s, shall be:
    • Suitable for the purposes and conditions of their intended use.
    • Adequately prepared and fixed in order adequately to perform the functions for which they are designed.
    • Non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof.
    • Water-based, where applicable, e.g. adhesives and paint.
  • Suitable samples of materials may be required to be submitted to the venue for approval.
  • Materials may be tested on site to ensure that they comply with fire safety requirements.
  • Decorative materials used for stand dressing must be flame proofed or purchased already treated by use of the appropriate chemical.
  • All artificial decoration and flowers must meet fire regulations and have supporting fire certification to provide upon request.
  • Drapes, curtains, hangings, etc, must be inherently or durably flame-proofed. Otherwise, they may be treated with a flame retardant. Test certificates must be available for inspection for any materials intended to be used.
  • Fabrics used for interior stand decoration must be fixed taut and/or in tight pleats (not loosely draped) to a solid backing, secured above floor level and not touching light fittings.
  • Curtains on exit routes should hang 75mm clear of the floor, be parted in the centre and not conceal any exit signs.
  • Night sheets must be made of inherently non-flammable material or of material satisfactorily treated to render it non-flammable. They shall be stored rolled-up and firmly secured and not cause any obstruction while not in use.
  • Only water-based paint may be used on site. If paint-spraying equipment is to be used, the method must be approved by the Venue and not cause a nuisance to others. Protective measures shall be taken to ensure that no paint is spilt or sprayed on to the fabric of the building.
  • All materials such as plastic, including plastic plants and materials used for vision panels, etc, must be non-flammable.
  • Timber under 25mm thick must be impregnated to be fire resistant. Treated materials should be marked as such. Boards, plywood, chipboard, etc, must be treated if under 18mm thick. The exception to this is MDF.MDF may be used as dressing only but strongly discouraged due to it not being sustainable.

Non-Construction Materials

Clarion Gaming does not permit the following stand construction methods or materials:

  • Chipboard (may be used as dressing only but strongly discouraged due to it not being sustainable).
  • Sanding and cutting without extraction. Work must be pre-planned and build prefabricated/preconstructed with easy assembly to avoid construction onsite and excessive cutting and sanding.
  • Led-based paints and primers.
  • Products containing isocyanate or labelled as H332 (harmful).

ICE and ESS will not accept stand designs formed of timber if full construction is required onsite. Stands formed of timber will only be permitted if it is prefabricated and easily assembled onsite without excessive cutting, sawing and construction methods required. This applies to ground mounted structures as well as rigged elements.

All timber constructions must have a timber frame built ahead of arriving within the exhibition halls comprising of connected horizontal and vertical cross-bracing. Prefabrication must not involve chipboard, MDF or hazardous chemicals. MDF is not a structural material and it is hazardous to health when cut.  Build materials must be fit for purpose and meet fire regulations.

Pre-show evidence of the use of prefabrication is required during the inspection process and prior to Clarion Gaming and their appointed stand plan inspection agency issuing a Drawing Inspection Notice. Your appointed Stand Contractor will need to provide details of how the stand will be built in line with the show timetable. The cutting of timber onsite is permitted when used for flooring and dressing only, and suitable extraction is mandatory. Cutting without extraction is not permitted.

All construction must be completed by 20:00 on Saturday 18th January 2025.

Construction will be stopped immediately if unsuitable working methods or materials are found onsite. Further sanctions may apply.


Dark Day, No Construction (Sunday 19th January 2025)

Space only stand construction must be completed by 16:00 on Saturday 18th January 2025. This will allow the structural engineers time to complete their checks. Build continues after this time but ALL structural works must be completed by 16:00.

Construction work refers to building, cutting, sawing, painting etc. which is not permitted on Sunday. Non-messy works will be permitted on Sunday 19th January 2025, e.g. dressing, product placement, graphics, cleaning, and furniture layout. You must arrange waste removal. Please arrange waste bags for any material leftovers waste generated from graphics, furniture wrapping, etc. and ensure it is not discarded in the aisles. This will allow time on Sunday for product placement, dressing, final preparation and gangway carpet lay. 



The fixing to the hall floor and walls of nails, screws, bolts, etc. is not permitted.

Carpet tape must also be removed from the hall floor (Stikatak B7 exhibition tape is the tape recommended).

Exhibitors are responsible for the cost of making good, restoring, or renewing any dilapidations made to the hall or any part thereof.

The Organisers will inspect every site before and after the construction of stands. In their own interest Exhibitors should satisfy themselves as to the condition of their site(s) before and after stand construction and clearance.

The charges incurred for any materials removed by the Venue or the Venue’s contractors at the end of breakdown will be passed on to the Exhibitor responsible.



Doors that are placed within stands must adhere to the below rules depending on size and capacity:

  • Doors are not allowed to open outwards unless room capacity is more than 50 persons where there are specially appointed emergency exits.
  • Rooms with maximum 50 persons capacity: door can open inwards.
  • Rooms with more than 50 persons capacity: door must open outwards.
  • Rooms with more than 99 persons capacity: a minimum of two separate doors is needed

All emergency doors must open in the direction of exit. This means that doors close to the gangway edge must be recessed sufficiently inside the stand so that when fully open the door remains fully inside the stand space and does not protrude into the gangway.

Automatic sliding doors can only be placed in an area with a maximum capacity of 50 people. These doors must either be backed up with a security system that automatically opens the doors in the case of a power cut or have a manual override button that can open the door in case of emergencies. These installations require a 24-hour power supply to your stand.

Manual sliding doors located in emergency routes most also adhere to the above-mentioned points Stand Restrictions.

Doors leading to exits or to storage areas or meeting rooms must have vision panels. Vision panels must have a zone of visibility spanning from 500mm to 1500mm above the floor. The exception to this is doors to small storerooms, where a small panel may suffice.


Double Deckers

Exhibitors must seek approval from the Organiser to exhibit with a two-storey stand. The Organiser operates an approval process whereby the Organiser reviews each request to determine whether it is safe to build a double decker stand in its location. Requests are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Only island stands can be considered to exhibit with a double decker.

To request permission to build a two-storey stand, you must contact the Organisers no later than the 16th August, detailing your intentions and your appointed stand contactor. After this date, requests may not be accepted. 

Stands where more than 50 people can occupy the upper level require a minimum of two separate staircases leading from any floor above ground.

The floor of the upper level of a multi-storey stand must be capable of withstanding a weight loading of 5kN/m2.


Emergency Lighting

The illumination provided by normal lighting and emergency lighting should be sufficient to enable anyone to see their way out of stands, seminar rooms and theatres at all times. Any battery used for emergency lighting should be able to operate for a minimum of three hours after the failure of the normal supply.


Escape Routes & Travel Distances

There must be adequate escape routes from any point of the stand or structure. Escape routes must:

  • Be clear of obstructions.
  • Be even and have a firm, smooth and slip-resistant finish.
  • Have a minimum, unobstructed height of 2.1m, other than within doorways, which should have a clear height of no less than 2.06m.
  • Not be less than 2 metres wide, except within stands of less than 100m2, where gangways must be no less than 1m wide.
  • Have a travel distance from any part of a stand to an open side, exit or gangway which does not exceed 25 meters.


Exit Signs

There must be sufficient illuminated exit signs positioned so that they can be seen to facilitate escape in an emergency. Exit signs should be:

  • A minimum height of 200mm and a minimum width of 400mm.
  • On a 24-hour electrical supply and always illuminated.


Fire Prevention

The materials used must comply with the current regulations. They must comply with the provisions of the Spanish Technical Building Code.

Table 4.1 of BD-FS 1. Reaction of surfaces to fire.

  • On ceilings and walls: C-s2 and d0.
  • Hanging textile elements: Class 1 in accordance with the UNE-EN 13773:2003 standard.

All decorative elements must comply with the same characteristics as the construction elements. They may not incorporate any type of inflammable material, for example straw, wood shavings, paper shavings, dry leaves, etc. The Organisers reserve the right to request the certificates corresponding to the materials used in the stands or for their decoration.


Floor Coverings

All floor coverings must be secured and maintained so that they do not cause a hazard. Fixing of floor coverings to the hall floor may only be carried out using approved tape. Other forms of fixing to the hall floor, such as cable clips, nails and bolts, are prohibited.


Floor Loadings

There are different floor loadings per hall. The overview below of the different maximum weight restrictions per sqm per hall:


Max Weight














The aim of this guidance is to set standards which will safeguard the health and safety of any person working at or visiting an event or exhibition. The guide should be used to guide the Organiser, the Venue, Contractors and Exhibitors with regards to the minimum acceptable safety standards in any country whilst recognising that many countries may have higher standards which will take precedence. The guide is widely applicable to events but have been written specifically with exhibitions in mind. The guidelines cover the main areas of risk. Advice should be sought on areas not covered by these guidelines.

To download a copy of the G-Guide, click here.

Glass and Glazing

All glazing used in the construction of stands must consist of safety glass (laminated or tempered) a minimum of 6mm thick to prevent injury from glass shattering. The table below shows the thickness required for large glazed areas:

Thickness Required



1100mm x 1100mm


2250mm x 2250mm


4500mm x 4500mm


No limit

Any uninterrupted, large areas of clear glazing shall be indicated with warning stripes, dots, logos, etc. Overhead glazing shall be of wired or laminated glass or be otherwise adequately protected.


Hall Lighting

The exhibition hall lighting will be set at 100% throughout build and breakdown. The lighting will then be reduced to 50% on open morning at 08:00 and will remain at 50% until 16:00 on the final day of open the event closes (when it will change back to 100% for breakdown).

If you want the hall lights above your stand turned off, there is a charge payable to ServiFira. 

Please see below hall lighting plans: 

Hall 2.1
Hall 2.2
Hall 3.1
Hall 3.2
Hall 4
Hall 5



  • Handrails used to protect ramps, stairs and falls from height must have a minimum height of 90cm and maximum height of 110cm.
  • Handrails must have non climbable infills. Preferably solid infills are required however, vertical bars (non scaleable/climbable) with no more than 10cm gaps will be accepted.
  • Handrails must be easy to grab and hold on to. Ends should terminate in a way clothing cannot be caught.
  • Handrail loadings must have a loading capacity of 1.6kN per m².
  • Depending on the stand design, gaps must not be formed; there must always be a continuation of handrail and balustrade.


Height Limits

It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor and their appointed stand contractor to inspect the location of the stand. In some instances there might be further height restrictions in addition to the below set by the Organiser.

  • Single storey stands must not exceed 4 meters. This includes all stand fitting, walls, lighting, signage and platforms. All stands must be built within the allocated time - overnight working is not available.
  • Single storey stands may exceed 4 meters in height (to a maximum of 6 meters) subject to approval from the Organiser. Each request will be reviewed on a case by case basis and permission will be dependent on factors such as stand location, construction method, materials, if it can be built within the perimeter of your stand and whether it can be build within your allocated time. If permission is given, construction drawings and calculations will be required as this will be deemed as a complex ground mounted structure. Complex stand plan inspection fees will apply.
  • Double decker stands should not exceed 6 meters. Authorisation to build a two-storey stand must be given by the Organiser. To request permission to build a two-storey stand, you must contact the Organisers no later than the 16th August, detailing your intentions and your appointed stand contactor. Triple deck structures are not permitted.
  • Rigged elements should not exceed 7m from the floor to the top of the rigged element. There are further height restrictions throughout the halls and you must inspect your location to understand the maximum achievable height. The minimum height for rigged elements is 4meters from the floor to the underside of the rigged item. Branded rigged items are deemed sponsorship at ICE. Contact our Customer Success team to arrange this opportunity.


It is a requirement that all Exhibitors and their appointed Stand Contractors have at least £2m of Civil Liability Insurance.

Installation of Air Conditioning Systems

In the case that the use of individual air conditioning units is necessary, the reasons, location and type of individual temperature control systems must be communicated to the Organiser for their approval.



It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor and their appointed stand contractor to inspect the location of the stand. In some instances, space contracted by the Exhibitor may have pillars or other build restrictions.

Pillar can be clad with consideration for connection boxes, fire alarm call points, signage or fire equipment which should remain accessible and visible.  The permitted height regulations must be observed and any damage made to the pillar will be charged to the Exhibitor.

Pillars can be wrapped in vinyl but this must only be installed by the Venue's official supplier

To request a floorplan showing the exact dimensions of the location of the pillar on your stand, please contact the Organisers. While this will enable you to plan the construction of your stand as accurately as possible, please plan for a  +/- 2 cm variance.


Platforms are permitted but consideration to wheelchair and less-able bodied visitors must be given. 


Platforming Aisles

Exhibitors who have stands either side of a gangway may not link their stands.

All gangways must be kept visible and clear of obstructions. It is not permitted to platform gangways without express approval from the Organiser.

You are not permitted to carpet or use stickers or equipment of any kind in the gangway without permission from the Organiser.


Product on Stands

All product and working equipment must be setback from the stand edge by at least 0.5m so not to cause a hazard to staff or visitors. 



Ramps should be of a gradient that is not too steep for use by pedestrians and wheelchairs. The following are the ideal requirements:

  • Ramps should not be greater than 10mor have a rise of more than 50cm. If the ramp has a rise of more than 50cm, it will be deemed complex.
  • In accordance with DB-SUA 1, the ramps will have a maximum slope of 10% when their length is less than 3m, 8% when their length is less than 6m and 6% in all other cases.
  • Ramps with a slope larger than or equal to 6% and with a height of more than 18.5 cm, will have continuous handrails throughout their entire length, including the floors, on both sides.
  • Free edges will have a plinth or side protection element of at least 10cm high. When the length of the section exceeds 3 m, the handrail will extend horizontally at least 30 cm at the ends, on both sides.
  • Ramps should have a minimum, unobstructed width of 1.5m.
  • The surface must be slip resistant.



The service of basic anchoring points (also called rigging) is exclusive to Fira and offered through its official provider. It is prohibited to hang any element directly from the ceiling of the halls and facilities.

Rigging is one of the biggest changes we expect Exhibitors and their appointed Stand Contractors to see when we move to our new home at Fira Gran Via and we highly encourage you to place your rigging orders as early as possible. The deadline to order rigging is the 29th November 2024 but we encourage you to place orders as soon as possible. After the deadline, rigging will not be possible. 

The Exhibitors or their appointed stand contractors must request the rigging points according to the load distribution conducted by their qualified technician. Rigging points shall not bear a load exceeding 150kg per point to ensure the structural stability of the ceiling. The load per point must include the truss, structures, safety steel, spotlights, banners, manual chain hoists (approximately 35kg each) or electrical chain hoist (approximately 50kg each). It is not always possible to locate anchoring points in all the exhibition areas of the hall, since there may be restrictions that depend on the hall and the points already in use, as well as the load capacity of the ceiling. In this circumstance there may be a requirement for prior adjustment for the rigging (pre-rigging). This adjustment may entail additional costs that shall be charged to the Exhibitor or their appointed stand contractor.

The structures must be designed to resist the static and dynamic loads associated with their final design, as well as consider their steps for build-up and breakdown.

The main requirements for any rigged elements are:

  • Branded rigging is considered an additional sponsorship opportunity and must therefore be booked with the Organisers. The fee incurred by the additional sponsorship opportunity is for the advertising rights only. You are responsible for the production of the rigged item and placing your rigging order by the specified deadline.
  • The minimum distance permitted between anchoring points is 1m.
  • The maximum hanging weight permitted for rigging elements is 15 kg per m², calculated by the ratio of the total weight of the suspended elements to the hired stand surface.
  • It is not permitted to raise any truss grid with more than 6 manual chain hoists.
  • The maximum load weight of a rigging point is 1.50 kN (150 kg). It must include the weight of the lift equipment (motors, hoists, etc.).
  • The hanging elements must have more safety features than those established in the prevailing regulations. This requirement is applied to all principal and secondary, or simply decorative, hanging elements of the points installed by the contractor.
  • The loads transferred to the structure at any point due to lifting elements and that act on the halls cannot exceed the maximum load capacity of the point and its elements.
  • The materials used must be of a high quality, in a good state, bear the CE (European Conformity) marking and have an up-to-date revision.
  • The truss structures and materials belonging to the Exhibitors are only permitted if they have the CE (European Conformity) certification and are in excellent working condition.
  • Exhibitors are not permitted to hang any element from the auxiliary structures installed in the ceiling of the venue.
  • The elements hanging from the ceiling must maintain the vertical nature of the point.
  • The maximum recommended distance between the anchoring points that use a truss is 10m for general lighting.
  • It is prohibited to alter any equipment installed by the official provider, including trusses, wires, shackles, or rope slings.
  • The maximum height shall depend on the area and hall where the rigging point is installed, and under no circumstances can it exceed the maximum height established by Fira.
  • All complex rigging must be checked by the appointed engineer prior to it being lifted. Once approved by the appointed engineer, you will be issued with a 'Permit to raise’. 
  • All rigging must be raised by midday on 16th January 2025.
  • Any rigged elements must be a minimum of 1m from any partition walls with neighbouring stands. 
  • Safety wires must be put in place for electrical motors and manual chain hoists and all hanging equipment and components on a truss (lights, sound equipment and speakers, signs, etc.) must be secured with secondary safety wires/chains and metal flanges.

To request the rigging service, it is necessary to fill out the form available online via the ServiFira webshop and submit it along with the documentation listed below:

  • A drawing (in AutoCAD 2010, if possible) indicating the height, the weight supported by the anchoring point and the orientation of the stand in the hall.
  • The rigging request form (available online at the ServiFira webshop), indicating company information and rigging requirements.
  • The point type (with or without safety wires, manual chain hoists or electrical motor).

Based on the complexity of the request (number of points, location, simultaneity of requests, etc.), and at the request of Fira, the following must be submitted:

  • A technical description of the design materials.
  • Justification of weight calculations of the points.
  • Quality certificates of the materials.
  • Justification of the revision of motors, hoists or any other machinery.
  • A description of the build-up/breakdown procedures to prevent damage to the hall structure or anything which may present a risk to the installations or personnel.

The data provided must be submitted with measurements from the International System of Units and in Spanish or English. In the case of detecting some deficiency in the materials or when completing the work, the Organisers can stop the operation until the required documentation is submitted or the procedures used are corrected.

The deadline to order rigging is the 29th November 2024. 

To view the rigging plans for each hall, please see below: 

Hall 2
Hall 3
Hall 4
Hall 5

If you need these as a DWG. file, please contact our Customer Success team. 

All complex rigging must be flown by 12:00 on Thursday 16th January 2025. 


  The safe use and management of steps is the exhibitor’s responsibility. Please see the below requirements:

  • Staircases must have a minimum available width of 1m with handrails positioned on each side of the flight.
  • Staircases must not exceed 4m in width without a centre rail.
  • The minimum number of risers in a flight is 3.
  • The maximum number of risers is dependent on the staircase height.
  • The maximum height of a staircase permitted is 2.25m.
  • Any step nosing’s/overhangs must be shown clearly on staircases for review with the Fira.
  • A level landing must be provided at the top and bottom of each flight. Landings must have a minimum unobstructed length of 1m.
  • Doors must not swing across landings.
  • Cupboards formed beneath the staircase must be lined throughout with non-combustible material.


  • Step risers must have a minimum height of 130mm and maximum height of 185mm.
  • All risers must be closed. Open risers are not permitted.
  • The riser of each step must be consistent throughout the flight i.e. the same height.


  • Step treads must have a minimum depth of 280mm.
  • The tread of each step must be consistent throughout the flight i.e. the same depth.
  • ALL treads and risers must be clearly delineated so visible when ascending/descending the flight.
  • Deck and staircase must have a loading capacity of 5kN per m².

Stand Numbers

All space-only stands will need to add their stand number/s into the stand design. Stand designs without stand numbers visible will not receive the Drawing Inspection Notice.

Stand Security

The Organisers and Fira shall be responsible for providing general surveillance, as well as general and preventative safety. Under no circumstances is this security measure intended for and focused on the goods displayed, nor on the goods of each Exhibitor. The Organisers accept no liability for the goods that are the property of the Exhibitors or their employees. Moreover, the Organisers shall not accept any liability for the robbery or theft of the materials and articles placed in the stands or any other space of the venue, nor for the damages that may be suffered during build and breakdown. Each Exhibitor is exclusively responsible for the surveillance and safety of their particular belongings. However, Fira and the Organisers may provide the necessary support to resolve or process the corresponding complaint with the authorities. 

We recommend that Exhibitors consider having their own surveillance service for their stand.  This can be hired through ServiFira webshop. 

If an Exhibitor wishes to hire the surveillance service or a security company other than that of Fira, they must provide the “Private surveillance in stands” form, duly completed, to the Division of Safety and Mobility at least 48 hours in advance. This form contains the regulations and conditions for the provision of this service.


Your stand should be designed and built using materials and methods that reduce your environmental impact.


ICE and ESS will not accept stand designs formed of timber if full construction is required onsite. Stands formed of timber will only be permitted if it is prefabricated and easily assembled onsite without excessive cutting, sawing and construction methods required. This applies to ground mounted structures as well as rigged elements.

All timber constructions must have a timber frame built ahead of arriving within the exhibition halls comprising of connected horizontal and vertical cross-bracing. Prefabrication must not involve chipboard, MDF or hazardous chemicals. MDF is not a structural material and it is hazardous to health when cut.  Build materials must be fit for purpose and meet fire regulations.

The cutting of timber onsite is permitted when used for flooring and dressing only, and suitable extraction is mandatory. Cutting without extraction is not permitted.

Timber under 25mm thick must be impregnated to be fire resistant. Treated materials should be marked as such. Boards, plywood, chipboard, etc, must be treated if under 18mm thick.


Dividing and partition walling

Space only sites are not provided with any partition walling. On divided sites (where the stand adjoins neighbouring stands or the Venue), Exhibitors are responsible for erecting their own walls meeting with the following requirements:

  • Partitions must be a minimum height of 2.5m.
  • The rear of the partitioning walls  must be dressed above 2.4m in a plain, neutral colour to a maximum height of your stand.
  • Branding and logos are not permitted on the rear of dividing walls where these overlook neighbouring Exhibitors.
  • Exhibitors may not use the back of the other stand walls without the consent of the exhibitor concerned.
  • Exhibitors adjoining a shell scheme stand may not use the reverse of the neighbouring shell as their dividing wall.

Walling on open sides

  • Solid runs of construction or walling along gangway edges are forbidden.
  • All stands, irrespective of height, must have at least 50% of each frontage either open or fitted with (approved) transparent material with no more than a 4m continuous run of solid walling.
  • Where runs of walling are to exceed 4m a minimum of 1m visual break must be incorporated. The break must span 0.5m to 2m in height measured from the building floor. This ensures a break for both wheelchair users and standing people. Furthermore, a visual break must be 100% transparent. Frosted windows will not be permitted as this contravenes a visual break.



Unmanaged waste poses safety risks, including injury, increased threat of fire, blocks fire exits and hinders access for medical teams in emergencies. Our health and safety policy prohibits the accumulation of waste on stands, in storage areas, in gangways and in communal areas. Waste generated from the construction and dismantling of stands must be removed at the end of each day.

Each exhibitor or their appointed stand contractor will be required to contract a minimum m3 standard waste management via ServiFira. The requirement is determined by stand size. Each exhibitor/contractor will need to show  proof that they have ordered the corresponding m3 waste management through ServiFira before they can obtain the Drawing Inspection Notice. See the below requirement:

Stand Size

M3 Build Up

M3 Breakdown

240l Build Up

240l Breakdown








25m2 - 50m2






50m2 - 150m2






150m2 - 300m2






300m2 - 600m2






600m2 - 1200m2






Over 1200m2

Consult the Organisers.

Order your waste removal services via the ServiFira webshop by Friday 29th November 2024 to guarantee the best rate. Failure to order the required waste removal services ahead of arriving onsite for build-up and breakdown will result in you not being permitted to commence the construction of your stand.

If a large amount of waste needs to be removed, a container must be ordered through ServiFira at an additional cost. The removal of large quantities of waste is not included in the m3 standard waste management and will be invoiced if not ordered. If waste is not management appropriately or timely, further sanctions may apply.

All space only stand must submit a Waste Management Plan. Your Waste Management Plan must be submitted alongside your stand plan submission.

It is not permitted to use the bathroom sinks for the build-up and breakdown work. The designated industrial sinks must be used for these activities.

Fly tipping, or the dumping of waste illegally instead of using an authorised method, is prohibited. If you are found to have fly tipped your waste within the halls, the lorry ways, or the vicinity of the Venue, fines or sanctions will apply.

At the end of the breakdown period, the contracted surface must be completely clean, which includes removing the adhesive carpet tape and any other material. Any Exhibitors that still have waste will be charged the cost of cleaning and waste removal to restore the conditions of the contracted space.

Water & Drainage

Water connections may be available for your stand depending on where it is located. If your stand is located in Hall 2, you must contact ServiFira in order to check that this service is available, given that there are limitations in these areas.

If you are planning to exhibit with water features, you must notify the Organisers for approval via the Special Activities Form. You must ensure no water leaks are in place and that all water is treated and that this is fully described on your Risk Assessment. The Organisers reserve the right to stop any water feature on exhibition stands if these safety measures are not in place.

All exhibitors wishing to use water on their stands must note the following:

  • Water and drainage outlets can be found within the halls, but if any additional outlets need to be installed, these will be charged to the exhibitor who has requested them. Contact ServiFira for more information.
  • Pressure piping with double-sided threads must be used. Water pressure in the Fira piping system is 4 bars and at night, can reach up to 5 bars. For arrangements that require constant water pressure, it is recommended that regulators are used and, if necessary, devices installed to maintain or increase the pressure.
  • The Organisers takes no responsibility for interruptions or irregularities in the water supply. Without exception, the basic regulations governing internal installations to supply water must be complied with.
  • The installation of toilets is not allowed.

Welding Equipment & Hot Works

For safety reasons, cutting and welding work cannot be carried out without the prior approval from the Organisers.