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09 Sep 2021

Hippodrome Casino CEO named as first ICE London Ambassador

Hippodrome Casino CEO named as first ICE London Ambassador

Simon Thomas CEO of the London Hippodrome Casino and one of land-based gaming's most respected personalities, has accepted an invitation to become the first ICE London Ambassador. The honorary position runs from September 2021 through to August 2022.

Confirming the appointment, Stuart Hunter, Managing Director of the Gaming Division of ICE organisers Clarion Events, said: “We have created the role of ICE Ambassador to ensure our brands remain close to, and responsive to, the business needs of all sectors across our extensive stakeholder community and its jurisdictions."

Leading names from across the gaming landscape will be invited to become ICE Ambassadors ensuring that we have a varied mix of individuals, roles and experience who can sense-check our strategy and provide the broadest possible industry feedback."

Simon is an ideal ICE London Ambassador. His interpretation more than a decade ago of new casino legislation brought about a new style of UK casino that has put the sector firmly on the world map. He has deftly combined his core gaming with an entertainment and hospitality offer that is unprecedented within the industry. All this on one site employing upwards of 600 staff and now a key component of the broader central London tourist experience."

He has also become the voice of the West End of London, regularly featured on national and international news, speaking for the sector, business growth and Government policy."

Simon's experience as the former chairman of the National Casino Forum, past President of Bacta and policy making committee member of the Bingo Association will be invaluable.

Simon Thomas said: “My family's history in the amusements and gaming industry means that I have quite literally grown up attending what was then ATEI and has subsequently become ICE London. I look forward to this new ambassadorial challenge and working with Stuart and the leadership team at Clarion Gaming.”

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