Location and dates

Fira Barcelona Gran Via

19-21 JANUARY 2026

Exhibitor Press Release

09 Jan 2025

Hola España! Clarion’s Jody Frost previews the first ever ICE Barcelona

Inside Asian Gaming Stand: MC26
Hola España! Clarion’s Jody Frost previews the first ever ICE Barcelona

Relocating from its decades-long home of London to the Spanish city of Barcelona in 2025, the world’s biggest industry trade show, ICE, will be 20% bigger this year at 120,000 square feet, while the anticipated 55,000+ visitors are expected to conduct more than a million meetings between them. IAG speaks with Jody Frost, Brand Strategist at ICE organizer Clarion Events, to find out what visitors can expect from the very first ICE Barcelona, taking place at Fira Barcelona Gran Via from 2o to 22 January.


