Location and dates

Fira Barcelona Gran Via

20-22 JANUARY 2025

Show Open Regulations

Show Open Regulations

Accident & Incident Reporting

Clarion Gaming, the Organisers of ICE and iGB Affiliate, investigate all accidents and ‘near misses’ that occur on-site, and we expect the co-operation of the exhibitors in investigating the true causes of any accident to try and prevent re-occurrence. Therefore, all incidents and near misses MUST be reported to the Organiser. You can do this at the Exhibitor Services Desk or the Organiser Offices. If you do see anyone taking unnecessary risks, please report it immediately.  

Age Restrictions

For safety and legal reasons, under 18’s are not permitted entrance at any point during the show opening hours. You may be asked to show proof of ID.

Alcohol & Drug Abuse

The abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances can affect work performance and safety. Any person found to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, or who are (in the opinion of the organisers and their representatives) constituting danger to themselves or any other person at the venue, will be removed from the venue by security. Where necessary, further action will be taken to remedy the situation.


If you would like to have any animals on your stand you must inform the organisers no later than 60 days prior to the first day of build. To do this, you must complete the Special Activities Form to inform the Organisers of your intention.

The exhibition of live animals must be carried out in accordance with the EU regulatory provisions and any other applicable legislation, including the existing municipal regulations in L’Hospitalet del Llobregat and Barcelona. A thorough risk assessment must be submitted to the Organisers by their given deadline.

The Organiser reserves the right to withhold and/or withdraw permission at any time, if the risks are deemed to be too great, or if they deem the risk assessment not being managed properly onsite.

Artificial Fog and Smoke

The creation of smoke inside the halls is not permitted in areas where other exhibitors are exhibiting. If limited to an isolated area, authorisation can be granted for the creation of “stage smoke” or “artificial fog” at specific times and if generated by specific machines for that purpose, during a short period of time and if they comply with the specific conditions defined by Fira de Barcelona. Authorisation must be requested by completing the Special Activities Form, indicating the area that will be affected and the length of time the “artificial fog” will be created. Fira de Barcelona shall have additional safety measures, for both the personnel’s safety and the adjustment of the technical control equipment in the hall to create the “artificial fog.” The costs for using these additional resources shall be charged to the exhibitor who wishes to produce the artificial fog effect.If you would like to have any animals on your stand you must inform the organisers no later than 60 days prior to the first day of build. To do this, you must complete the Special Activities Form to inform the Organisers of your intention.


GastroFira is the exclusive supplier for catering. GastroFira hold the exclusive right to supply all food and beverages consumed on-sites.


The cost of basic, nightly stand cleaning is included for all Space Only and Branded Booth stands. All stands will be cleaned overnight prior to each opening day of the event unless requested otherwise. If you do not want your stand provided with basic cleaning by the Organiser, please contact our Customer Success Team. Basic and nightly stand cleaning refers to sweeping or hoovering the floor, emptying trash bins and cleaning horizontal surfaces. Please note that if you have a double decker stand, please note that the second storey will not be cleaned.

If you require additional cleaning (washing, cleaning glasses and vertical surfaces, etc.) orders can be placed via ServiFira. This service will be carried out at night to minimise the impact of the service during show days.

Code of Conduct

Providing a safe and appropriate working environment for everyone. Clarion Gaming commits to provide a safe, respectful, ethical, and appropriate working environment for everyone, including staff, exhibitors, customers, and suppliers, which is not discriminatory towards, or offensive to, individuals or groups for reasons of age, disability, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, race, colour, faith, marital status, or gender.

Dress Code for Stand Staff

This dress code applies to “stand staff” who are defined as staff of any gender used by exhibitors or sponsors to promote their products or services at an event.

  • Partial or total nudity or overtly sexual or suggestive clothing or marketing methods (including for example, in the case of female stand staff, the overt display of cleavage or navel) will not be allowed.
  • At the discretion of Clarion Gaming, the sole possible exception to this rule may be promotional characters that are seen “in-game,” but exhibitors must obtain permission in this respect from Clarion Gaming show management prior to commencement of the show.
  • If, for any reason, stand staff and/or an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed inappropriate by Clarion Gaming show management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter the attire of its stand staff and/or the exhibit and/or its contents.

The decision of Clarion Gaming show management in each of the above respects will be final. This policy is for all exhibitors, and we would encourage you to support and engage with us about it.


For drones in flight or in motion, the Organisers must be notified in advance to approve them. These drones must weigh less than two (2) kg. Furthermore, the drone owners must provide the following documentation:

  • A technical data sheet for the drone, including a photograph thereof.
  • A signed statement of responsibility (attached). Create annex.
  • A visible notice if the drone records images (Law on Data Protection).
  • RC policy and damages with coverage of at least €300,000.

To carry out the demonstrations, both in halls and outdoors, with the drone in flight (even with a restraint cord), a net must be installed around the perimeter of the stand or in the area of the flight to avoid accidents and damage to people or goods in the rest of the exhibition. This protective net and the demonstration must have prior authorisation. The personnel who carry out the flight demonstration of the drone must have a drone pilot license (necessary for drones heavier than two (2) kg) or a document that certifies their capacity to handle drones, according to RD 8/2014 of July 4th.

If you wish to operate drones, please complete the Special Activities Form

Emergency Procedures & First Aid

During the periods of build-up, show days and breakdown, the Venue will provide general surveillance of the exhibition areas regarding fire safety and other emergencies.

In case of an emergency, please inform the uniformed security guard if there is one nearby. Otherwise, please call the emergency Fira number at +34 93 233 41 00. This emergency number is Fira’s control room, and any emergency will be coordinated from there.

In case of evacuation, the Venue will manage the safe evacuation of all persons inside the venue as per their Emergency Actuation Plan. You must follow the advice provided venue teams.

During periods of build-up, show days and breakdown, first aid services will be available in the First Aid Centre, next to doors 3.14 in Hall 3. In case of emergency, please call Fira Barcelona control room on +34 93 233 41 00.

Gangways & Emergency Exits

Emergency exits are clearly marked and under no circumstances should any aisles, corridors or emergency exits be obstructed.

Under no circumstances will any part of your stand, building materials, waste, furniture, exhibits, or displays be allowed to project beyond the boundary of your stand space to infringe upon these gangways and emergency aisles.

Aisles deemed emergency gangways must be always kept clear. Plans indicating the emergency gangways will be available in the onsite Organiser offices.

Work areas should be maintained free from general waste and packaging materials which could cause a hazard.

Doors or windows are not permitted to open outwards onto a gangway.

Hall Lighting

The exhibition hall lighting will be set at 50% during the show open period. If you require light above your stand to be switched off completely, you can do so for a fee charged by ServiFira. To turn lights off above your stand, please complete the Stand Activities form.


It is a requirement that all Stand Contractors have at least £2m of Civil Liability Insurance.


Fira Barcelona is well recognized for its outstanding IT and Wi-Fi infrastructure, equipped with the most advanced technology available on the market. With more than 1,700 high-density Wi-Fi antennas installed throughout the venue, we provide a high-quality, stable, and fast Wi-Fi network everywhere on the premises. To guarantee quality service, Fira Barcelona is the only authorized Wi-Fi supplier, and it is strictly forbidden to use devices that propagate wireless signals in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz or 6 GHz frequency bands, as such devices can interfere with the overall Wi-Fi service provided at the venue.

During the event, Fira Barcelona will have an on-site team monitoring and keeping the venue interference-free. The organization reserves the right to identify and deactivate any wireless network not installed by Fira Barcelona. All exhibitors are required to comply with the ICE and Fira Barcelona Wireless Policy.

Fira Barcelona provides Wi-Fi services for exhibitors. If the services in the catalogue do not meet your needs, please contact Fira Barcelona by sending an e-mail to ice-igb.internet@firabarcelona.com.

If you require the installation of your own Wi-Fi network, this is only permitted with special permission given by the Organsiers and the Venue. If this is required, please complete the Special Activities Form.


If your devices (mobile phones, laptops, etc.) can only connect through Wi-Fi, they must be compatible with the 5 GHz frequency band (Wi-Fi standard 802.11a/n/ac). Fira Barcelona will not be responsible for any claims regarding devices not compatible with 5 GHz. Please read the compatibility document for verification.

All exhibitors attending the event are subject to this policy, whether or not you purchase IT services.

Literature Distribution Off Your Stand

A license will be required for anyone operating outside the boundary of your stand to promote your company. Regardless of what they are wearing, be it a costume or a branded t-shirt, if they are trying to promote your company off of your stand then you must have a license.

If you would like to have promotional staff distributing items away from your stand, please contact the Customer Success team. There is no limit to the number of licenses you can request and you only require passes for people are working away from your stand at any point.- Promotional staff will be given a unique lanyard to make them easily identifable.

Each promotional staff pass is charged at 2,000Euros + VAT for 3 days.

ICE is a place of business, and your behaviour must reflect that. If for any reason any of the below occurs then your license can and will be revoked without refund and the promotional staff will be asked to leave.

  • Flyers must not be left anywhere (such as tables, chairs, or communal areas).
  • Any literature/leaflets found littered in seating areas or eateries, will be disposed of and any cost for waste will be charged to your company.
  • Do not block or stand immediately in front of other stands.
  • Do not surround your competitor stand.
  • Do not distribute flyers or promotional giveaways on any other Exhibitor's stands.

Lost Property

If you have lost an item or found something that belongs to someone else while at the venue, please go to the Exhibitor Service Desk located in the South Access -1.


As part of our Code of Conduct, Clarion Gaming is committed to providing a respectful and appropriate working environment for everyone. We ask all exhibitors to be respectful of their neighbours and ensure that their ability to engage in regular levels of conversation is not impeded. Therefore, all exhibitors must keep any music, sounds, or noise emitted from their stand within reason.

The Organiser reserves the right to deem what constitutes an appropriate level of music/sound/noise. Our guideline is that no music/sound/noise may exceed 60dB. Sound readings will be taken from by the Organiser on a calibrated noise reader

The Organisers will monitor the exhibition floor for excessive noise, and if the music/sound/noise levels on your stand is deemed to be excessive, you will receive an immediate warning. If rules are continually disobeyed and two warnings are given, the power to your stand to be switched off and a fine of GBP 1,000 to be issued by the Organiser to compensate your neighbours for the loss of ability to conduct business.further penalties or sanctions may apply.

If you do have music on your stand, you must disclose this information by completing the Special Activities Form.

Patents & Copyrights

The Organiser reserves the right to exclude or reject both visitors and exhibitors from the exhibition hall, including anyone who (in the opinion of the Organiser) is promoting, selling, marketing, or exhibiting items or products that in any way copies, reproduces, reverse engineers, infringes on any third party’s patents or intellectual property rights.

Product on Stands

All product and working equipment must be setback from the stand edge by at least 0.5m to not to cause a hazard to staff or visitors. 


It is not permitted to show logos, trademarks, or projections outside of the boundary of the exhibition stand, whether it be by using projectors, lasers, or light beams.

In the case of using laser projection for lighting or the setting, the apparatus used must have the corresponding authorisation and approval certificate from the manufacturer. If you wish to use laser projection for lighting or the setting, please complete the Special Activities Form.

Public Address System

The public address system at the exhibition is for Organiser's official announcements and emergency messages only. It is NOT available for use by exhibitors or visitors under any circumstances.


Smoking, e-cigarettes, and vaping are strictly not permitted in any part of the venue throughout the event. Please exit the venue and use the dedicated smoking areas provided. We operate a strict 2-strike policy. If you are caught smoking inside the exhibition halls more than once, you will be asked to leave the premises.  

If you intend to provide e-cigarette or vaping products as promotional giveaways to visitors on your stand, you must declare this on the Special Activities Form.

Special Activities

Special activities and demonstrations are permitted on stands, however they must be disclosed to and approved by the Organisers in advance of the show. Failure to notify the organiser’s will result in you being asked to cancel or turn off your activities. If you intend to include any items of special risk on your stand for the show, they must be included in your Risk Assessment. Special activities include but are not limited to:

  • Inflatables including helium & toy balloons.
  • Performances including dancers, bands, DJs, or other musical acts.
  • Private transport arriving onsite to take guests from the exhibition to other events.
  • Laser and haze products.
  • Seated audiences.
  • Neon or florescent lights.
  • Water features or water-related activities.
  • Animals.
  • Motor vehicles.
  • Fog or mist machines.
  • Flammable oils, liquids & gases, compressed gases, and naked flames.
  • Working machinery & apparatus.
  • Radioactive substances.
  • Dangerous exhibits, including weapons & guns.

If you wish to have special activities on your stand, please complete the Special Activities Form.

Please see important regulations below:

  • Performances must not last more than 10 minutes and take place no more than twice a day (i.e. 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon).
  • All performances must comply within our noise guidelines – see Noise (above) for further information.

Stand Security

The Organisers and Fira de Barcelona shall be responsible for providing general surveillance, as well as general and preventative safety, regarding order and fire safety or emergencies of any kind. Under no circumstances is this security measure intended for and focused on the goods displayed, nor on the goods of each exhibitor. The Organisers accept no liability for the goods that are the property of the exhibitors or their employees. Moreover, the Organisers shall not accept any liability for the robbery or theft of the materials and articles placed in the stands or any other space of the venue, nor for the damages that may be suffered during show open days. Therefore, each exhibitor is exclusively responsible for the surveillance and safety of their belongings. However, Fira de Barcelona and the Organisers may provide the necessary support to resolve or process the corresponding complaint with the authorities.

We recommend that exhibitors consider having their own surveillance service for their stand.

This can be hired through ServiFira. If an exhibitor wishes to hire the surveillance service or a security company other than that of Fira de Barcelona, they must provide the “Private surveillance in stands” form, duly completed, to the Division of Safety and Mobility at least 48 hours in advance. This form contains the regulations and conditions for the provision of this service.


You are responsible for arranging the storage of your literature, packing cases, and boxes.

  • All items must be stored within the confines of your stand.
  • All boxes and packaging must be either disposed of by the exhibitor or via services booked with Fira de Barcelona. A build-up of waste is not permitted, and waste must be removed daily. Any rubbish left after each day will be removed and the exhibitor will be charged for the waste removal services.
  • Fire regulations require that any items found outside your stand will be removed, as they will be deemed a fire hazard. Ay fees incurred because of the removal of items will be charged back to the exhibitor.
  • You must not store literature or giveaways behind your stand. Any literature, packing cases or boxes found behind stands will be removed and the fees incurred for the removal of items will be charged back to the exhibitor.

TV & Music Licensing

Exhibitors who wish to liven up their stands using mechanical or electronic apparatus or image reproducers are required to request the copyrights and relevant authorisations for public communication of the works from AGEDI or the entity that, in each case, manages the rights of public communication of the phonograms of the producers, as well as from SGAE or the entity that manages each case. If films are to be screened, the exhibitor must apply for the appropriate authorisation of the public communication thereof from the entity that manages the public performance rights in each case.

Those exhibitors who wish to carry out a show and have leisure activities accompanied by musical auditions must inform the Organisers for authorisation by completing the Special Activities Form. All of this without prejudice to the authorisations and permits that must be requested from the qualified bodies, entities, and administrations. There must always be compliance with the current legislation on data protection, image rights and all regulations related to the sections described above.


The fire prevention policy prohibits the accumulation of waste in the stands and their storage areas, as well as in the corridors and common areas. Waste must be removed daily. Waste removal services can be ordered via ServiFira.

Vehicles on Stands

Vehicles with combustion motors used as exhibition articles in closed spaces must have their tanks filled with only the minimum amount of fuel necessary to access the space of the stand and to be able to leave it until the event ends. Vehicles cannot be started during the event show days. If you wish to exhibit with a vehicle on your stand, you must complete the Special Activities Form.